Playing DVDs on Alpha

Arkadiy Chapkis - Arc achapkis at
Sun Oct 10 02:46:45 UTC 2004

  As I remember, I was running xine on my PWS500a fine, playing DVDs on an IDE DVD-rom. I had to compile it from
source, and again, it was working OK on RH7.2 and Fedora from Mike. Although sometimes it would crash on sound driver.

>I really can't recall what is was, but there seems to be some implication at
>xine that it is supported.  If there is any way to get DVDs running, I'm
>sure it's a better idea to use a USB2.0 drive than suffer with the on-board
>IDE of the 164SX.  (barf)
>I'm looking about...

                                      Arc C.
                                      achapkis at

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