make of flite stuck on kal 8k

krishnakant Mane krmane at
Thu Jun 29 17:05:45 UTC 2006

hi lukas,
well I am going to switch to slackware 10.2 with 2.6.13 kernel and I
think they use alsa 1.0.9 drivers.
will flite 1.2 have any problems with it?  I also want to use yasr
with the same machine.
well if you know any binary packages available for slackware please
let me know.  I searched on google but did not find.  may be my search
went wrong.
any ways I have one more question.
since this issue is related to flite, may I also ask which is the best
voice around which I can use with flite?  my point of view of choosing
the voice is one which is exceptable and can be clear.  I might
compromise on inflection but I will certainly expect clearity.
can you suggest me one very good and exceptable voice I can use with
flite 1.2 and yasr?
thanks a lot for your help,

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