Cygwin question.

Dan Rossi dr25 at
Tue Sep 27 15:01:43 UTC 2016

I've been using cygwin for many years and like it quite a bit.  A couple 
of days ago, I installed the latest windows 10 updates, and suddenly, my 
cygwin behavior changed slightly.

Now, when I am in the cygwin shell, my typing acts like typing echo is set 
to characters.  Sorry, I am using JAWS 16.  So, even though typing echo is 
set to words, JAWS echos each keystroke, or every few keystrokes, which is 
kind of annoying.

I just ran a cygwin update, but the behavior hasn't changed.  Any guess 
what might be causing the issue?  I can set screen echo to none, which 
sort of solves the problem, but causes others, as command output is not 
then spoken.

Is it a terminal emulation issue?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Blue skies.
Dan Rossi
E-Mail:	dr25 at
Tel:	(412) 422-5423

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