[dm-devel] [PATCH] libdm: add "|" to _is_whitelisted_char()

Peter Rajnoha prajnoha at redhat.com
Wed Nov 28 12:50:39 UTC 2012

On 11/28/2012 01:04 PM, Peter Rajnoha wrote:
> Now, if you *really* intend to bypass this mangling and udev,
> you can use:
>   dmsetup <dm_command> --manglename none ...

If you use libdevmapper to handle device-mapper devices, have
a look at libdevmapper.h. You can bypass default mangling with

 * Mangling support
 * Character whitelist: 0-9, A-Z, a-z, #+-.:=@_
 * HEX mangling format: \xNN, NN being the hex value of the character.
 * (whitelist and format supported by udev)
typedef enum {
        DM_STRING_MANGLING_NONE, /* do not mangle at all */
        DM_STRING_MANGLING_AUTO, /* mangle only if not already mangled with hex, error when mixed */
        DM_STRING_MANGLING_HEX   /* always mangle with hex encoding, no matter what the input is */
} dm_string_mangling_t;

 * Set/get mangling mode used for device-mapper names and uuids.
int dm_set_name_mangling_mode(dm_string_mangling_t name_mangling);
dm_string_mangling_t dm_get_name_mangling_mode(void);


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