website mockups, what is fedora?

Rex Dieter rdieter at
Fri Aug 21 14:04:13 UTC 2009

OK, I get the idea behind all of this, really I do.  Much of it is 
great, but let me share what's been nagging at the back of my mind for 
some time.  It's just been hard to put into words, so I'll try my best here.

Let's get back to the question: What is Fedora?

I thought a general consensus was something akin to: a solid flexible 
base distro technology that can be used for many different purposes

Then, look at the new website mockups.

(perceived) Answer: Fedora is the fedora-desktop spin

The KDE SIG, developers and users alike, for better or worse, draw this 
natural conclusion.  It's a perceived step back from the status quo, 
where KDE is mentioned on the main download page anyway.  We feel that 
the main download page mockups don't adequately reflect the scope of the 
Fedora project (i.e. its developer and user community) and that it would 
be beneficial for Fedora to properly advertise that scope.

Especially for the classes of users identified as:
People who are somewhat computer savvy, but may be new to Fedora and/or 
Linux and FOSS in general
People who don't know where to find anything other than the default 
offering (i.e., is there something else available?)
These folks likely want to know more about the project scope, and
(over)simplification is missing the opportunity to inform and educate them.

-- Rex

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