[Ambassadors] Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee Election

Pablo Barrera pablo.barrera at proyectofedora.org
Tue Nov 20 16:34:32 UTC 2007

Hi all 
Thanks for feedback. Have differents ideas, is not a downgrade. Now we
have more than idea for the same objetive.

> I typo'ed this sentence.  That should have been "...and should *not*
> be a hurdle in and of itself".

> I think the Steering Committee can provide a larger role than just a
> point of contact for asking for CDs or submitting budget requests to
> the Board.  The items you list - assisting with strategy, forecasting,
> etc are all things they could help provide assistance with.  Perhaps
> that is just accumulating information from various areas and piecing
> it together.

Yes it is. If you have a FAMSCO representan in your local area, is more
easy to get stuff.

> The CLA is required for Ambassador group membership.  I think most
> will agree that process can be cumbersome, you even mentioned it in
> one of your earlier emails - for non-technical people that might be
> able to bring a wonderful skill set to the table that process can pose
> as a barrier.  If the CLA cannot be removed, then we should make sure
> those steps are laid out as simple as possible.  And if someone has
> trouble with that portion, make help easy to find.
Exactly. i.e when u become ambassador must move to a lot of wiki pages
to understand everything....this is so burocratic. One sheet process
could be useful. 

> I agree with you here as well.  FAMSCO needs to be active in the
> project in order for it help meet the needs of Ambassadors.
> Non-responses from FAMSCO members makes it difficult for new members
> and existing ambassadors to get things done.  That's why I think this
> election period is more of an opportunity to change that.

yes of course. No more Fedora Legs of Arms "a bit under the radar" ....

> I don't see the Steering Committee as managers.  I see their role as
> one of facilitators.  Much for the reasons you have cited.
> Ambassadors in each country know their needs better than the Steering
> Committee.
resources administration are management. They are not our bosses, but
they manage resources ;)

> Agreed.  Mine were just some examples thrown out into the discussion.
> The scope is much larger than simply 24/7 availability.

yes probably, has relationship with availability of suporters...

> Excellent list!  These are all things I think the Steering Committee
> should be considering and helping with moving toward.  Let's use this
> election to move things that direction.

Yes, thats why i will promote myself from my wiki page as new FAMSCO
member. And if ive voted by other ambassadors i will work with this
list. Next FAMSCO period must make a disruption process to move to
another direction.Including more help to promote Africa rising of Fedora
and more Latinamerican participation and the modification of chairs to 7
to 20 and much more...

> I think it is a great discussion.  The bouncing of ideas back and
> forth and putting them out on the table is very useful.  Now we need
> to do something about it.  I think you and I are both on same page as
> to what we would like to see.  Email just makes it difficult to see
> that occasionally.

yes is true. Time to work so...

Best regards
Pablo Barrera

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