[Ambassadors] FAmNA Meeting Minutes from 2009-08-04

inode0 inode0 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 04:12:01 UTC 2009

(08:00:12 PM) inode0 has changed the topic to: FAmNA Meeting: Agenda:
(08:00:17 PM) inode0: Roll Call
(08:00:34 PM) ***quaid is here
(08:00:38 PM) quaid: lcafiero is on his way
(08:00:46 PM) pcalarco: pcalarco here
(08:00:46 PM) dthomasdigital: dthomasdigital here
(08:00:54 PM) crossbytes: crossbytes is here
(08:01:03 PM) ***VileGent
(08:01:29 PM) inode0: ok, others can announce themselves as they arrive
(08:01:38 PM) inode0: I have two announcements tonight
(08:01:57 PM) inode0: (1) F11 media is shipping out to regional ambassadors now
(08:02:14 PM) ***inode0 waits for hurrahs
(08:02:20 PM) quaid: hurrah!!!
(08:02:21 PM) ***ianweller lurks
(08:02:24 PM) dthomasdigital: yippie
(08:02:26 PM) pcalarco: w00t
(08:02:40 PM) inode0: (2) The FreeMedia program needs your help!
(08:03:02 PM) dthomasdigital: what can we do?
(08:03:03 PM) inode0: We are now swamped with way more requests than
we can handle
(08:03:21 PM) VileGent: ???
(08:03:28 PM) inode0: So one thing we would like to do is to
ask/encourage all ambassadors to join
(08:03:29 PM) ianweller: from USA?
(08:03:42 PM) inode0: and try to fill 2 or 3 requests each month
(08:04:02 PM) ***ianweller needs to buy some shipment thingies
(08:04:12 PM) inode0: With enough people we can easily handle things
without anyone having to shell out $200 a month or work days on end
(08:04:22 PM) dthomasdigital: No problem for me consider it done from
New Mexico.
(08:04:27 PM) ***herlo is here
(08:04:43 PM) pcalarco: is there a wiki page for the requests?
(08:05:06 PM) inode0: It is really easy and if you think about the
smiling recipient of your kindness when he/she opens the mailbox the
time doing it goes by fast
(08:05:27 PM) VileGent: pcalarco,  tracker
(08:06:03 PM) inode0: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Distribution/FreeMedia
(08:06:43 PM) inode0: that is being worked on, shipments were
suspended this month while we try to recruit more helpers
(08:07:22 PM) inode0: NA isn't the biggest problem by any means, but
there are times we don't get to all the requests here too
(08:08:10 PM) inode0: You need to remember to check in each month to
see the pending requests - they normally come in the first few days
each month
(08:09:12 PM) inode0: Ok, that was my brief sales pitch for the
FreeMedia program - I do think it is a great program and really want
it to thrive on individuals giving
(08:09:38 PM) inode0: Does anyone else have an announcement?
(08:10:12 PM) inode0 has changed the topic to: FAmNA Meeting: Events:
(08:10:30 PM) inode0: Red Hat Summit update and request ...
(08:10:53 PM) inode0: Everything is going swell, we have almost all
our needed supplies
(08:11:14 PM) inode0: Paul is finishing up the live image each
attendee will get on a usb stick
(08:11:45 PM) inode0: We have pens to add to conference bags or give
out at the booth depending
(08:12:03 PM) inode0: If anyone is going please do sign up here
(08:12:14 PM) QuickStart2: hello all
(08:12:21 PM) inode0: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Red_Hat_Summit_2009
(08:12:43 PM) pcalarco: !
(08:12:53 PM) inode0: go ahead pcalarco
(08:12:57 PM) QuickStart2: I'm I late for roll call
(08:13:10 PM) inode0: that's ok QuickStart2
(08:13:15 PM) pcalarco: I suppose one has to be a registered attendee
to work the Fedora booth there?
(08:13:37 PM) inode0: pcalarco: I'm not entirely sure about that, we
need to check with stickster_afk
(08:13:59 PM) pcalarco: ok, thanks inode0
(08:14:40 PM) inode0: The request is that we'd like to host a Fedora
dinner for the likely 12-15 contributors helping out
(08:15:15 PM) inode0: We have a difficult time scheduling that, so
might get pizza delivered during booth setup or something like that
(08:15:59 PM) herlo: FAD!!
(08:16:24 PM) inode0: So I'd like to request funding for the Fedora
dinner (guessing it would be $200 - $300 depending)
(08:16:40 PM) inode0: FPD - Fedora Pizza Dinner
(08:17:10 PM) inode0: Silence will be noted as assent :)
(08:17:32 PM) inode0: Can setting up a booth be a FAD? :)
(08:18:21 PM) inode0: We'll try to keep the cost down, but it will be
really nice to get everyone together for a couple of hours.
(08:19:07 PM) inode0: We are still in need of two items, media which
is on its way thanks to herlo, and banners which are later on the
(08:19:33 PM) inode0: Moving on then: Ohio Linux Fest
(08:19:44 PM) ***inode0 is guessing that is VileGent's topic
(08:19:57 PM) VileGent: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ohio_Linux_Fest_2009
(08:20:05 PM) VileGent: sign up if you are attending
(08:20:11 PM) pcalarco: I added that, actually; doesn't look like we
have very many Ambassadors there yet
(08:20:35 PM) pcalarco: so just wanted to add a plug for this; we had
a great turnout last year
(08:20:45 PM) VileGent: pcalarco,  well last year was the year we
really had the sea of blue before that it was 3-4 of us
(08:21:03 PM) pcalarco: ah, ok
(08:21:16 PM) inode0: Being the old fashioned FAD last year helped a
lot with turnout
(08:21:23 PM) VileGent: OLF is proable one of the biggest shows on the
east coast
(08:21:51 PM) inode0: ke4qqq is going but isn't on that list, others
I'm sure are too
(08:22:10 PM) VileGent: hopefully my co organizer will resurface soon
(08:23:01 PM) ***inode0 suggests poking people to sign up when they
mention they are going
(08:23:46 PM) VileGent: and i have others who are not ambassadors who
i am trying to get to go, so i maybe can get them into being
(08:23:59 PM) inode0: great
(08:24:36 PM) inode0 has changed the topic to: FAmNA Meeting: Budget:
(08:24:45 PM) VileGent: there are some people wanting rides
(08:25:08 PM) inode0: yes, a signup for carpooling
(08:25:38 PM) inode0: ready to move on?
(08:26:02 PM) pcalarco: aye
(08:26:20 PM) inode0: I might be a little more aggressive than usual
about moving forward tonight - if I go too fast just yell at me
(08:26:58 PM) inode0: New Mexico GNU/Linux Fest Sponsorship has been
taken care of - perhaps dthomasdigital would like to say something
about the event
(08:27:19 PM) dthomasdigital: Well let me start by saying thank you.
(08:27:21 PM) inode0: or not, no pressure
(08:27:32 PM) dthomasdigital: It's going to be great to have fedora at the fest
(08:27:53 PM) inode0: people going should hit the wiki for this one too
(08:28:11 PM) dthomasdigital: you can see it's really coming together
(08:28:47 PM) dthomasdigital: I'm making the big announcement in here
tonight and it's official.
(08:29:04 PM) inode0: ooh
(08:29:30 PM) dthomasdigital: Our keynote speaker will be Richard Stallman!
(08:29:42 PM) ***inode0 applauds
(08:29:56 PM) pcalarco: +1
(08:30:10 PM) dthomasdigital: of course the big news is inode0 is speaking too.
(08:30:30 PM) herlo: inode0: really! cool!
(08:30:40 PM) herlo: inode0: I would come to hear you speek
(08:30:55 PM) crossbytes: just saw web site great job on pulling all
of this together .. .
(08:30:57 PM) inode0: it is a bit of an odd talk
(08:30:57 PM) VileGent: inode0,  you have big shoes to follow now
(08:31:14 PM) dthomasdigital: Of course all I have to do is get RMS in
from Chile the day before the conference, talk about logistics.
(08:31:24 PM) quaid: lcafiero using quaid's computer: I'd prefer to
see inode0 over RMS
(08:31:29 PM) inode0: is RMS the opening or closing speaker?
(08:31:35 PM) dthomasdigital: Opening
(08:31:59 PM) aeperezt: good luck with that one inode0
(08:32:20 PM) ***inode0 can find a funny hat
(08:32:22 PM) dthomasdigital: Closing speaker is up in the air right
now it's looking like Jono Bacon.
(08:32:41 PM) VileGent: oh bad the ubuntu frat boys again
(08:32:45 PM) ***inode0 applauds jono too
(08:33:27 PM) inode0: wow, lots of surprises tonight
(08:33:42 PM) dthomasdigital: Being New Mexico we are trying to get
the Gentoo folks as well, it is the NM distro
(08:34:41 PM) VileGent: dthomasdigital,  i hope the hotel has a airport shuttle
(08:35:03 PM) dthomasdigital: I'll have hotel info up some time this month
(08:36:29 PM) inode0: great, exciting news
(08:36:48 PM) dthomasdigital: now all I have to do is clone me and
I'll be good to go.
(08:36:55 PM) inode0: UTOSC request from your humble emcee
(08:37:40 PM) inode0: For a variety of very good reasons I would like
to see us help sponsor UTOSC this year by providing the standard booth
(08:37:47 PM) herlo: hi
(08:37:56 PM) ***herlo saw utosc!
(08:38:02 PM) herlo: can I talk about it for a minute?
(08:38:12 PM) inode0: ok
(08:38:17 PM) ***inode0 will wait
(08:38:30 PM) herlo: inode0: feel free to let me know, I can wait for you...
(08:38:32 PM) herlo: no rush really
(08:38:49 PM) inode0: ok, I can finish fast
(08:39:16 PM) inode0: I hoped we might have leftover money as we often
to at the end of the quarter to send to Utah
(08:39:31 PM) inode0: but it looks like that may or may not be the case
(08:39:44 PM) inode0: as you can see from the budget page, which has
been updated
(08:39:54 PM) ***herlo looks again
(08:40:15 PM) inode0: actually, the comm arch page better shows the hardship
(08:40:21 PM) herlo: link?
(08:40:42 PM) inode0: I'll dig it up in a minute
(08:40:47 PM) herlo: nw
(08:41:12 PM) inode0: anyway, there is I believe another 1800 or so
spent on the t-shirts although there seems to be some confusion on
that point
(08:41:14 PM) QuickStart2: so with the money left order can we splurge
on new abassador kits
(08:41:23 PM) inode0: we have the t-shirts, someone paid for them
(08:41:35 PM) inode0: or was that last quarter?
(08:41:46 PM) inode0: it isn't listed last quarter either
(08:42:03 PM) inode0: we'll figure that out later ...
(08:42:10 PM) herlo: I see about 6k spent so far
(08:42:52 PM) inode0: my proposal is that we sponsor UTOSC by paying
the $700 booth fee this year either with quarter end money or from Q3
if we don't have it in Q2
(08:43:00 PM) inode0: herlo: you talk for a bit
(08:43:24 PM) herlo: inode0: okay
(08:43:43 PM) herlo: so for a couple points, if you can't sponsor
UTOSC in Q2, Q3 is great!
(08:44:06 PM) herlo: TBH, I just wanted to mention that I really am
looking forward to seeing a bunch of you at UTOSC.
(08:44:21 PM) herlo: I know that a few are plannign on it and we have
been working really hard to make it fun this year
(08:44:33 PM) herlo: http://2009.utosc.com is our website, we're
getting more info up there every day
(08:45:14 PM) herlo: anyway, it seems we're in a transition year, but
we have Stormy Peters keynoting on Friday October 9
(08:45:34 PM) herlo: and we have a local fellow, named Daren Brabham
talking about crowdsourcing as well.
(08:45:35 PM) dthomasdigital: Very cool I like Stormy a lot
(08:45:50 PM) herlo: UTOSC always does a local and global keynote each day
(08:46:05 PM) herlo: we have people from the ODF alliance coming and a
guy from IBM on Thursday, our community day
(08:47:00 PM) herlo: we'll also have Guru Labs University, which is a
local linux training company.  They'll be doing a class on Thursday
too, showing off their new courseware, which is Ubuntu specific, but
they have some really good courses too
(08:47:16 PM) herlo: anyway, there's a ton more on our site.  Ooh, and
one last mention
(08:47:39 PM) herlo: we're doing the world premeir of a new cartoon
called 'The Kenny Ho Project' -- http://www.kennyhoproject.com
(08:48:36 PM) herlo: anyway, I plan on setting up a page on our wiki
(might already be there) and I think lcafiero was going to help me
with the booth.
(08:48:49 PM) herlo: but we want to have a FAD there, not sure what on yet
(08:49:01 PM) inode0: CFP soon for potential speakers
(08:49:08 PM) herlo: inode0: it's been up for a month
(08:49:15 PM) inode0: yeah, get them in soon :)
(08:49:29 PM) herlo: here's a list of them that have been submitted:
(08:49:58 PM) herlo: if you register (volunteer, present, etc) you get
to vote for each presentation, up or down
(08:50:42 PM) herlo: now, I heard about some complaints about our
pricing so I wanted to mention that up front.
(08:51:05 PM) herlo: we put up pricing of $70 for Early Bird and $100
for Standard Registration
(08:51:08 PM) herlo: but
(08:51:36 PM) herlo: if you participate in some way in a free software
(or open source) project, you get 50% off.  Making early bird $35 and
standard $50
(08:51:52 PM) herlo: or if you volunteer in some way (say at the
fedora booth), you get in for free
(08:51:55 PM) ***inode0 thinks it is very reasonable either way
(08:52:06 PM) herlo: we're all about making it free if you give back
(08:52:11 PM) VileGent: thats reasonable
(08:52:15 PM) herlo: :)
(08:52:46 PM) herlo: the point being that we're really excited to have
people there, we're not trying to exclude anyone, just that we want
people to be committed to the conference
(08:53:21 PM) ***VileGent will comment later
(08:53:24 PM) herlo: in addition, this year we have an Expo pass for iirc $15
(08:54:01 PM) herlo: and we have a Thursday only for $10
(08:54:27 PM) herlo: so, my whole pitch here is to get people out to
the con and help with the fedora booth and the FAD
(08:54:39 PM) ***herlo could og longer, but I think that'll do
(08:54:44 PM) herlo: that'll do pig, that'll do
(08:54:47 PM) herlo: thanks inode0
(08:55:43 PM) inode0: ok, would anyone else like to comment on my proposal?
(08:56:22 PM) pcalarco: sounds like a very worthwhile event to support; +1
(08:56:47 PM) inode0: Next topic then: Retractable banners & Posters
(08:57:08 PM) herlo: thanks pcalarco
(08:57:19 PM) ***herlo is hoping to make it to NMLF too
(08:57:39 PM) inode0: Who is the Retractable banners & Posters person?
(08:57:48 PM) inode0: VileGent?
(08:57:56 PM) dthomasdigital: would love to have herlo, I sure got
lots of green chili to make
(08:58:01 PM) VileGent: i arranged the banners and tossed it back to you
(08:58:07 PM) herlo: dthomasdigital: awesome
(08:58:44 PM) VileGent: ok we finally got banner sizes from the provider
(08:58:50 PM) inode0: last I heard ke4qqq was going to order the
banners, I haven't heard whether he did though
(08:59:00 PM) VileGent: and they will not fit the event box
(08:59:23 PM) inode0: and those are in the Q2 budget so we can proceed
(08:59:30 PM) VileGent: so inode and i had a discussion and i had the
desogn team to come up with to banners
(08:59:54 PM) VileGent: so they are waiting to be ordered afaiK
(09:00:41 PM) VileGent: posters" i have a request in to the design
team for 2 four foundations posters which i will have printed locally
(09:01:05 PM) VileGent: hopefully i can send a set to all the event
boxes in september
(09:01:15 PM) VileGent: eol
(09:01:39 PM) inode0: those will be great in the event boxes
(09:02:17 PM) inode0 has changed the topic to: FAmNA Meeting: Tasks:
(09:02:29 PM) inode0: switching the agenda for pcalarco now
(09:02:39 PM) inode0: do we want to do another round of Fedora Ambassador polos?
(09:03:14 PM) pcalarco: lcafiero was also looking into button downs
(09:03:28 PM) pcalarco: maybe do those before?
(09:03:42 PM) inode0: I believe StabbyMc was also looking at those
(09:04:21 PM) inode0: I'm not sure if it would be better or not to
have the Fedora button downs not be ambassador specific?
(09:05:07 PM) inode0: Keep the sort of unified ambassador polo look
but have Fedora button downs available too
(09:05:14 PM) pcalarco: yes, more general so anyone from any of the
teams can wear them
(09:05:21 PM) inode0: right
(09:06:00 PM) inode0: the button down ringleaders don't seem to be here tonight
(09:06:10 PM) pcalarco: ok, so I will send out a call for round 4 of
FAMNA polos on the list this week
(09:06:14 PM) inode0: do we have folks signed up for polos?
(09:06:23 PM) pcalarco: two thus far
(09:06:29 PM) inode0: the polos seem to always be popular
(09:07:28 PM) ***inode0 needs about 5 minutes before campus ambassador
discussion, does someone else have something to fill the dead air?
(09:07:29 PM) pcalarco: I think we have around 30 Ambassadors in total
with them now
(09:07:37 PM) pcalarco: eol
(09:07:56 PM) inode0: no don't stop - keep going for another 5 minutes!
(09:08:08 PM) inode0: be back asap
(09:08:42 PM) pcalarco: VileGent: is there an EventBox for OLF?
(09:09:05 PM) VileGent: yep sitting on the other side of the room from me
(09:09:26 PM) pcalarco: sweet; haven't seen one in action yet :)
(09:09:27 PM) VileGent: we do have 3 boxes now
(09:09:34 PM) VileGent: pcalarco,  you did
(09:09:35 PM) herlo: yay for eventboxen
(09:09:48 PM) pcalarco: last year OLF?
(09:09:50 PM) VileGent: you were @OLF last year
(09:09:55 PM) pcalarco: ah, ok
(09:10:03 PM) crossbytes: any news on how OSCON went ?
(09:10:59 PM) VileGent: pcalarco,  i guess i am the east coast
coordinator for the east voast event box
(09:11:36 PM) VileGent: it was @ SELF, will be going to OLF then to PA
(09:11:49 PM) pcalarco: nice
(09:12:02 PM) inode0: sorry, back
(09:12:37 PM) inode0: pcalarco: paul is going to check on the Fedora
booth at the summit
(09:13:00 PM) pcalarco: inode0: okies, thx
(09:13:17 PM) inode0: shall we move on to campus ambassadors?
(09:13:28 PM) VileGent: +1
(09:13:54 PM) inode0: we bounced around some ideas for the general
structure of sponsoring one campus ambassador to attend FUDcon the
other day
(09:14:10 PM) inode0: I'd like to share it now with everyone for any feedback
(09:14:25 PM) inode0: So let me lay it out in general terms
(09:14:52 PM) inode0: the award will be airfare and 1/2 room for one
campus ambassador from NA
(09:16:11 PM) inode0: campus ambassadors will do their thing across NA
this fall and those wishing to attend FUDcon can submit a description
of their activities as campus ambassadors (and in other areas of the
project) by a date to be determined
(09:16:52 PM) inode0: a committee composed of the 5 regional
ambassadors and/or others they designate will by some method to be
determined rank the entries
(09:17:24 PM) inode0: emphasis will be on campus activities, but other
fedora activities will count for something
(09:18:05 PM) inode0: we probably should announce this very soon and
end it around Halloween
(09:18:24 PM) inode0: so folks can get to work early in the fall semester
(09:19:11 PM) inode0: does this sound reasonable for a general format?
suggestions are very welcome
(09:20:02 PM) pcalarco: sounds great, and this should help promote
folks becoming campus ambassadors and reward those doing the most
impactful work
(09:20:16 PM) inode0: that is what I'm hoping it does
(09:21:00 PM) inode0: and it is worthwhile I think even if we have
only one who does enough to earn it
(09:21:28 PM) inode0: but I hope we can get many involved
(09:21:43 PM) VileGent: the sooner the announcement the sooner i can
send to my local luug
(09:22:05 PM) inode0: those of us around campuses need to get on the
ball (if we aren't already) recruiting our own campuses
(09:22:06 PM) crossbytes: Sounds great .. I think there should be
something for people that can not or do not want to attend the FUDcon
a better chance to get even more involved.
(09:22:22 PM) ***inode0 looks guilty
(09:22:55 PM) inode0: nothing is stopping anyone I hope
(09:23:45 PM) inode0: this isn't just about a reward, it is an
opportunity for a young contributor to grow inside the project and
have a great experience that might otherwise not be available
(09:24:12 PM) inode0: at least that is how I'm thinking of it
(09:25:02 PM) inode0: and I should mention that *all* fedora
contributors are eligible to be sponsored to attend FUDcon anyway
(09:25:05 PM) VileGent: i have always said we have to grow the
contributors from the ground up
(09:25:28 PM) inode0: but we are trying to send one extra
(09:26:27 PM) inode0: if it helps kickstart the campus ambassador
program all the better for everyone
(09:26:57 PM) dthomasdigital: sounds great, I'm all for it.
(09:27:30 PM) pcalarco: +1
(09:28:04 PM) crossbytes: +1
(09:28:06 PM) inode0: ok, I'll try to write up something a bit more
formal this week and get it announced as soon as possible
(09:28:33 PM) ***inode0 tapes sticky notes to forehead
(09:28:59 PM) inode0 has changed the topic to: FAmNA Meeting: Open Floor
(09:31:35 PM) inode0: that means this is the time for anything else :)
(09:32:22 PM) inode0: going once
(09:32:37 PM) VileGent: motion to adjoin
(09:32:44 PM) inode0: ok, we can wrap
(09:32:46 PM) inode0: 5
(09:32:48 PM) inode0: 4
(09:32:51 PM) inode0: 3
(09:32:53 PM) inode0: 2
(09:32:54 PM) inode0: 1
(09:32:59 PM) inode0:  /EOM
(09:33:04 PM) inode0: thank you everyone

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