TradeMarked Name --redhat-config-

seth vidal skvidal at
Sat Nov 8 01:40:14 UTC 2003

On Fri, 2003-11-07 at 09:31, David Farning wrote:
>         I have been working for the past several weeks on a visual gui
> front end for yum.  I am considering bringing that knowledge with me to
> work on the fedora project.
>           But, Frankly, I am concerned about contributing to a program
> with a trademarked name.  I am interested in giving back to the
> entiregnu/linux community not just the redhat community.
>         If  someone likes my product, I would like them to be able to
> freely use my work irregardless of their distro/flavor.
>         With this in mind what are your suggestions?
>         a. Go ahead and work on redhat-config-*.
>         b. Seek renaming of redhat-config-* to something vendor neutral.
>         c. Put my work in an up stream project and let it trickle down.

 I have similar worries. I've been encouraged to possibly look at using
the rhpl package (red hat python library) for functions in yum and the
rhpl functions/classes are really quite nice, but I'm a little hazy on
requiring them for yum b/c I'd like yum to be useful on other platforms
than just rhel/flc/rhl.

I'd love to hear suggestions on this problem, especially from the red
hat folks. I know at least one person at red hat does understand my


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