FC2, 2.6 vs 2.4

Xose Vazquez Perez xose at wanadoo.es
Wed Nov 19 17:14:10 UTC 2003

Chris Adams wrote:

> And FC2 is around 5 months away; there's a lot of time to get things in
> shape.

I don't expect a kernel for_all until ~ summer 2004. There is too much work
to do, drivers mainly and lot of fixes.

> Having a new kernel as a "preview" is a far sight from having two major

To put 2.6 by default, and 2.4 as backup. What's the problem ?

> If someone wants to maintain a 2.4 kernel for FC2, they could do it as
> part of Fedora Alternatives or Extras.

I hope that someone do it.

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