SystemServices info

Nicolas Mailhot Nicolas.Mailhot at
Mon Sep 29 22:03:46 UTC 2003

Le lun 29/09/2003 à 23:38, Seth Nickell a écrit :
> > It's nice but it won't fly with java daemons for example.
> > Java people do not care nor want to know about system stuff. You'll
> They do on "that other platform". Anyone who wants their code to be used 
> either has to find somebody to do the "last mile" work for them 
> (distributions currently)

Or community packaging projects:).
But I freely admit packaging java is a major pain - most upstream
developers have not got the faintest idea what a properly managed system
can look like (like they do not even know they have a problem).

Some java apps are really nice once packaged though.

> , or they have to do it themselves. 

Nice dream:)

> IMO, 
> distros got into this "last mile initscripts" business because their 
> systems were different and incompatible, not because it was usually a 
> good thing.

As someone that has written its share of last mile scripts I'd very much
like not to have to dump them now.

> > always need a shell wrapper to launch the jvm for example (well people
> > may use gcj one day but you get the point), change system users and so
> > on.
> Well, until we get dbus/shell bindings, you can't write shell scripts 
> that aren't "legacy initscripts". But you can write tiny python 
> wrappers, and probably perl in the not so distant future.

Well if one has to do python or perl you'll make it that more difficult
to package non-python or non-perl stuff. When the projects we work with
provide an unix layer it's always in shell (and most often in a very
primitive dialect since Jakarta for example wants its scripts to run on
everything from cygwin to os X including strange and retarded Sun/HP

>  SystemServices 
> probably makes it much easier to write shell wrappers than initscripts, 
> just because the necessary boilerplate is like 4x less.

I'll wait eagerly for the shell interface then.


Nicolas Mailhot
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