RPM spec in tar file (was Re: An introduction of the new cheerleader...)

Bryan W. Headley bwheadley at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 27 20:45:55 UTC 2004

Rui Miguel Seabra wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-01-27 at 19:19, Karl DeBisschop wrote:
>>Works fine. But the problem comes when Fedora wants one spec and
>>Mandrake wants another. As far as I can tell, if the developer provides
>>specs, it is presently not really possible to be distribution agnostic,
>>or even responsive to  the various distributions, because they ofetn
> Then tough luck. Unless distributions agree on a package naming
> convention, your SOL.

I always thought the vendor-custom rpm macro issue to be more an issue 
than package naming.

____               .:.                 ____
Bryan W. Headley - bwheadley at earthlink.net

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