Updating RPMs using binary deltas (demo)

Leonard den Ottolander leonard at den.ottolander.nl
Wed Jan 28 13:55:59 UTC 2004

Hello Nigel,

> rsync currently puts a load on the server because it reads the file and
> builds a set of hash data for each request.
> It would appear quite possible to produce either:-
>       * a prebuilt table of file hashes using some external tool
>       * a cache of hashes held by the rsync server

Please have a look at the scripts that came with the post that started
this thread. Do you have any reason to assume that these "rsync hashes"
can be more efficient than the deltas generated by Mike's script?

By the way, minigzip.c comes with the zlib-devel rpm

$ gcc minigzip.c -lz -o minigzip


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

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