Logrotate RFE (2)

Gianluca Sforna gs at moldiscovery.com
Wed Mar 3 08:55:25 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-03-02 at 21:55, Keith Lofstrom wrote:
> Logrotate is the program called by cron to rename and expire log
> files.  Ruedinger Oertel at SUSE (ro at suse.de) has some patches that
> enhance the basic Redhat logrotate with "dateext".  This allows a
> dated log file extension rather than a numbered one, for example 
> /var/log/messages.20031029 .  The old logfiles do not get renamed,
> just discarded after they get too old.  This is a lot easier on
> rsync, and it also is easier to administer. 
+1 for this feature.

I would also like to see a method to skip the rotation on certain days,
i.e. the week-end, but I admit this is my fault since I use it to do a
nightly FULL backup of my CVS.

I will be more than happy to test the new package as soon as it is



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