Anyone know of a tasteful LGPL HTML parser in C?

Yusuf Goolamabbas yusufg at
Thu Nov 25 01:13:45 UTC 2004

> I'd like to attempt to support
>    rpm -qp*.rpm
> within rpm by applying fnmatch(3) against parsed HTML hrefs.
> So I'm questing existing HTML parser imp[ementations before hacking up 
> something myself.
> The constraints on my rpm problem/implementation space are:
>   a) must be LGPL
>   b) must be in C.
>   c) must be reasonably small and reliable.
>   d) should work on a significant variety of HTML dialects without problem.

How about El-Kabong from Jon Travis. I think Covalent wanted to donate
this to the ASF. There was a thread on new-httpd about this a while ago
(can't find it now) but check with Joe Orton

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