EVMS, LVM, LVM2, XFS, ext3 on FC3

Alan Cox alan at redhat.com
Tue Oct 5 17:03:35 UTC 2004

On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 01:01:49PM -0400, Neal D. Becker wrote:
> > Is there a good reason to use LVM or LVM2 rather than EVMS?  Is there a
> > reason EVMS isn't included in FC?
> IIRC LVM was accepted by kernel developers over EVMS, which quietly accepted
> this decision.

Indeed. EVMS kernel space is dead. Linus rejected it for the device mapper
layer. Fedora tracks upstream so EVMS is not in, never having made upstream.

EVMS userspace as I understand it is still being developed but using the
device mapper.

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