Fedora Core 5 Idea -- let's drop this ...

Bryan J. Smith b.j.smith at ieee.org
Tue Jul 5 12:26:10 UTC 2005

From: "Sean" <seanlkml at sympatico.ca>
> There is no double standard in using and promoting open source drivers. 
> There are already open source drivers today that can do the job for the
> vast majority of cases.  Let's not let the nVidia brand loyalists obscure
> the message that there are open source drivers available today that will
> do the job well for many situations.  Let's not let this message be
> diluted by people who care more about brand loyalty to nVidia than they do
> about promoting open source solutions.   Maybe, just maybe, there will be
> enough market pressure to encourage further open source choices.

Actually, you just re-enforced the double-standard, and just made my
points for me entirely.  ;->

Bryan J. Smith                                     b.j.smith at ieee.org 
It is mathematically impossible for someone who makes more than you
to be anything but richer than you.  Any tax rate that penalizes them
will also penalize you similarly (to those below you, and then below
them).  Linear algebra, let alone differential calculus or even ele-
mentary concepts of limits, is mutually exclusive with US journalism.
So forget even attempting to explain how tax cuts work.  ;->

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