C++ compatibility package dropped

Dimi Paun dimi at lattica.com
Mon Jun 27 13:44:04 UTC 2005

From: "Mike Hearn" <mike at plan99.net>
> Nope, probably not, and bundling private libstdc++.so versions is likely
> to be the route we'll take. That's a shame because it's 3mb of overhead
> most apps don't want, but if there's no other way then so be it.

Not to mention that this means the system will not be able to
share the lib if more than one C++ app runs at the same time.

So we're trading about 3MB of disk space (approx. $0.001) for 3MB * N of RAM
(where N is the number of apps, which is > $0.12 even for N=1).


And did I mention the time, effort, and _frustration_ of users to
get the system running again? What if they didn't install via RPM?
Screw them, they deserve what they get, no? (in which case they
have a snowball's chance in hell of fixing the breakage without
going through hell and back).

Dimi Paun <dimi at lattica.com>
Lattica, Inc.

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