Question about Fedora Extras 5

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Thu Feb 2 12:51:13 UTC 2006


>Core updates. Why would it require any more QA than is currently done?
>It would simply be a snapshot of the updated packages at that instance
>of time. Just like if I had done a 'yum update' at that exact time, my
>system would be left in the same state. Any additional CDs would come
>with just as much disclaimer as having your system in any other
>particular state of updation. While it may in some cases be simply
>trading one set of bugs for another, they key difference in this case
>is that bandwidth required for future updates is much less if you
>already have your system installed using an updated set of packages.
>It's the difference between requiring 30mb of updates in the first
>month and requiring 300mb of updates in the first month.
So you dont want a respin which already includes the updates but just a 
updated Extra CD  in addition the original GA release?


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