redhat/fedora distros: su versus su -

Michael J. Knox michael at
Thu May 11 23:47:09 UTC 2006

Chitlesh GOORAH wrote:
> Hello here,
> Last time at LinuxTag Wiesbaden, someone asked me why in RedHat/Fedora 
> distros,
> /sbin is not in the PATH for _su_
> example ifconfig
> but as _su -_, /sbin is in the PATH?
> He also pointed out that in other distros like Mandriva and Suse it is
> not the case.
> Can anyone answer this so that I could document myself :)
> regards,
> Chitlesh Goorah

su - takes the root user's enviroment varibles, su by itself does not. 
When you call just su, your (mortal users) enviroment varibles are used.

Thats my understanding.


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