What's up with elfutils?

Nicholas Miell nmiell at comcast.net
Mon May 29 04:21:47 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-05-28 at 20:33 -0700, John Reiser wrote:
> Part of my reason for entering and prolonging this thread is to increase
> the documentation for elfutils.  Eliciting Ulrich Drepper's remark:
>   > - the tools in elfutils compared with binutils are a) smaller, b) faster
>   > (several times, usually), c) less buggy, d) more featureful
> counts as a success, which would be even more signficant if accompanied
> by some data to substantiate claims.  I even made a deliberate mistake
> in using "rpm -qR" which Nicholas Miell pointed out should have been
> "--whatrequires" instead.  I believe that the output (which indicates
> uses by rpm and rpm-python), and Ulrich Drepper's remarks about Red Hat
> legal department and copyrights, reveal significant new information
> to the Fedora community about the reasons why elfutils is the way it is.
> Elfutils is effectively part of RPM.  Elfutils is a part of the Red Hat
> "crown jewels," which confers special status on elfutils.

I don't know what drugs you're on, but please stop dragging me into your
paranoid delusions.

Nicholas Miell <nmiell at comcast.net>

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