firefox from devel and randr

Ola Thoresen redhat at
Wed Jan 10 10:08:25 UTC 2007

Sander Hoentjen wrote:
> Hi,
> I just tried to google for randr, but this causes a segmentation fault
> in firefox. Is this a local thing or do others see this too?
> I am running latest rawhide on x86_64

I have had multiple pages make Firefox-x86_64 in rawhide explode lately, 
but as it does not give any clue as to why it happens I have not posted 
any bugreports yet.

A google search for "randr" does not make it happen here, but 
ironically, it happes quite often while browsing
Right now it has crashed several times on


Ola Thoresen

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        '-:_      )  / `' '=.      It is easier to fix Unix
          ) >     {_/,     /~)     than to live with Windows
          |/               `^ .'

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