RPM and files installed

Michael Schwendt mschwendt.tmp0701.nospam at arcor.de
Wed Jan 17 20:40:41 UTC 2007

On Wed, 17 Jan 2007 12:26:32 -0800, Daniel Yek wrote:

> How do I make sure that files created during rpm installation are being 
> recorded as belonging to the package? I'm not sure, but I think if rpm 
> %post install script created some symbolic links, they might not be 
> recorded as installed by the rpm package. (Or are they?)
> How RPM keeps track of files created by scripts? Does it trap system calls 
> to record all created files and symbolic links? If not, what one needs to 
> do to make sure that all files and symbolic links created are being 
> accounted for properly?

You "touch" them in the %install section of your spec file and
%ghost them in the %files section. That way they belong into the
package. And upon package removal RPM will remove the files. Just
make sure you don't %ghost any files which are filled with important
contents at run-time. It might be unexpected by the user if such
files (e.g. databases) are removed automatically when the package
is uninstalled.

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