Auto rebuild release bump issue

Michael Schwendt mschwendt at
Sat Feb 23 10:32:00 UTC 2008

On Sat, 23 Feb 2008 03:15:16 +0000 (UTC), Kevin Kofler wrote:

> Jesse Keating <jkeating <at>> writes:
> > Most the jpp packages I looked at seemed fine.  Which ones didn't get
> > bumped right?
> They all got bumped to m+1jpp.something instead of mjpp.n+1.

This is supported in cvs now.

According to the Wiki, the numbering scheme seems to be


where Y is to be bumped and X is the original jpackage release.

$ jpackage-utils.spec 

Also added in cvs is a fallback, where a release string that doesn't
match at all is tried to be bumped at the very right, and if that
is not possible, ".1" is appended.

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