Another xulrunner breakage [Re: Broken dependencies in Fedora 9 - 2008-07-19]

Martin Sourada martin.sourada at
Sat Jul 19 12:05:41 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-07-19 at 11:05 +0000, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> Summary of broken packages (by owner):
>     martin.sourada AT
>         gxine-0.5.11-17.fc9.i386    
>         gxine-0.5.11-17.fc9.ppc    
>         gxine-0.5.11-17.fc9.ppc64    
>         gxine-0.5.11-17.fc9.x86_64    

Already pending for stable update [1]. However looking at the
problematic deps it seems most of them are caused by recent update of
xulrunner. Again! First of all we should review whether all these
packages need to depend on precise version of gecko-libs, yesterday I
checked that gxine does not and removed the versioned deps. 

Next, there should be some policy in pushing such updates for stable
releases. I mean, what is the point in releasing security update for
xulrunner while it cannot be installed due to tons of broken deps? We
have chain builds, we have support for multiple package updates, why has
xulrunner been rebuilt and pushed only with firefox,
epiphany(-extensions), yelp and devhelp [2], and without mentioning it
on the -devel(-announce) list?



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