Suggestion with respect to the Fedora Update System

G balajig81 at
Thu May 29 10:05:09 UTC 2008

>  > If you take the enhancement mentioned in the mail , i dont have any
>  > clue on how to proceed and that makes it difficult. Probably a note
>  > atleast on what to be tested could obviously make a difference and
>  > that atlteast should be mandatory i feel.

Ok but for some packages some testers have responded saying "It works
for me " some people have told it does not work me " . If you look at
these 2 statements, its contradicting, thats point one and the next
one is "It" is still undefined for other testers :). My suggestion is
why cannot we define "It" as a test case or an enhancement atleast. I
sincerely feel that it would make a big difference.

Probably we could review our updates system and try adding a field
which gives more info.I  also strongly feel that it would help our
contributors in a real positive way.


On 5/29/08, Till Maas <opensource at> wrote:
> On Thu May 29 2008, "G" wrote:
>  > If you take the enhancement mentioned in the mail , i dont have any
>  > clue on how to proceed and that makes it difficult. Probably a note
>  > atleast on what to be tested could obviously make a difference and
>  > that atlteast should be mandatory i feel.
> Often it will be enough just to use the application a little to provide
>  feedback, e.g. as long as the application does not crash or corrupt some
>  data, then the update is good enough most of the times imho.
>  Regards,
> Till
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