Kudos to RH Docs people

Christopher Curran ccurran at redhat.com
Fri Mar 20 05:24:12 UTC 2009

David Nalley wrote:
> Perhaps there was some announcement that I missed over the past few
> weeks as I have been pretty busy.
> I started looking in earnest this afternoon at the Install Guide and
> saw something caused me a bit of concern. Rudi has been doing a ton of
> work on the Install Guide and when I looked at the git log I noticed
> repeated entries like:
> Merged $foo from RHEL IG.
> This set off alarms in my head as I 'KNEW' RH docs were OPL + the NC clause.
> I went to confirm this with the docs and noticed the changelog on the
> RHEL Install Guide for 1/5/09 noted the following change:
> revised Legal Notice, removed restrictions
> See:
> http://www.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/5/html/Installation_Guide/appe-Publican-Revision_History.html
> Kudos to the RH Docs people for being bold and using a free license.
A more free license, it was free before but now you can rebrand it :P

Chris Curran 
Technical Writer for Virtualization and Emerging Technologies
Phone: +61735148302 (UTC+10)
Brisbane, Australia. Red Hat, Inc. 

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