Self-Introduction: Christian Jodar (Tian)

Paul Howarth paul at
Mon May 9 15:48:30 UTC 2005

tian at wrote:
>>Looking at the "install" program in the gcfiles tarball, I think there
>>are a couple of problems with it:
> Thanks a lot for these remarks. I will change that even if I don't use
> it for the RPM creation, because it could be useful for everyone.
>>What I'd suggest is to not bother with the "install" script and instead
>>use Requires: entries for all the dependency checks and use a bunch of
>>"%{_bindir}/install" commands to actually install all the files in the
>>right places. Since you've already enumerated the list of files in the
>>%files section, this shouldn't be too big a problem.
> Does it act the same way if I use %{__install} macro?

Yes, that is what I would use, though some people suggest just using 
"install", "rm", "mv" rather than "%{__install}", "%{__rm}", "%{__mv}". 
I certainly prefer the macros personally. I mentioned %{_bindir}/install 
so as to distinguish it from "./install".

> Concerning the Requires, it seems that rpmbuild check for Perl
> dependancies and it should not be needed.


> To be able to use GCfilms install script in %install section, I should
> also add a --nocheck option. Depending on time it will take for these 2
> solutions, I will use one of them. I'll let you know when everyhting is
> fixed.

You may also need to add BuildRequires: for any perl modules that the 
GCfilms install script uses, as rpm will not be able to figure those out 
for itself.


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