Change request: reenable last-modified (was Re: squid issues)

Ricky Zhou rickyz at
Tue Feb 3 02:08:54 UTC 2009

On 2009-02-02 05:34:39 PM, Jesse Keating wrote:
> I noticed something while composing this release.  Packages gotten from
> kojipkgs (and thus the proxy) all have a timestamp of when the file was
> downloaded, vs the timestamp of the file on the fileserver.  This has
> caused me some... frustration in getting my composes synced on the
> master mirror using hardlinks to rawhide.
> Can somebody help me debug why this is?  I'm not familiar with our squid
> setup, and I couldn't find it in a quick wiki search for 'squid'.
Oops, I cleared the Last-Modified headers in the configs hoping that it
might somehow save some NFS load.  Here's a patch to remove those lines
- can I get two +1s?

diff --git a/configs/system/fedora-updates-push b/configs/system/fedora-updates-push
index 8c09e27..380af87 100755
--- a/configs/system/fedora-updates-push
+++ b/configs/system/fedora-updates-push
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ done
 pushd /pub/fedora/
 TMPFILE=$(mktemp -p /tmp/)
 find * -print > $TMPFILE
-diff $TMPFILE fullfilelist >/dev/null
-if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then
+if diff $TMPFILE fullfilelist > /dev/null; then
+    rm -f $TMPFILE
     mv $TMPFILE fullfilelist
diff --git a/manifests/services/mirrormaster.pp b/manifests/services/mirrormaster.pp
index ca01522..b7c2b47 100644
--- a/manifests/services/mirrormaster.pp
+++ b/manifests/services/mirrormaster.pp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class mirrormaster {
     cron { epel-sync:
-        command => 'rsync -aHz --numeric-ids --delete-after --exclude=".snapshot" --exclude="*/build-logs" /pub/epel/ &>/dev/null && TMPFILE=`mktemp -p /tmp`; pushd /pub/epel; find * -print > $TMPFILE; diff $TMPFILE fullfilelist >/dev/null; if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then mv $TMPFILE fullfilelist; fi',
+        command => 'rsync -aHz --numeric-ids --delete-after --exclude=".snapshot" --exclude="*/build-logs" /pub/epel/ &>/dev/null && TMPFILE=$(mktemp -p /tmp); pushd /pub/epel; find * -print > $TMPFILE; if diff $TMPFILE fullfilelist > /dev/null; then rm -f $TMPFILE; else mv $TMPFILE fullfilelist; fi',
         user => ftpsync,
         minute => [ 10, 40 ],
         ensure => present,

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