QA testing for apt on RH{7.X|8.0}

Erik Forsberg forsberg+fedoralegacy at
Mon Mar 1 10:37:32 UTC 2004


If I check out the instructions for using apt on RH8.0
(, it says:

"NOTE: The Fedora Legacy apt program has not yet finished QA
testing. The instructions for installing it below will not work (or be
completed) until it has passed the QA testing." big fat scary letters that makes me a little bit afraid :-).

How is QA testing on using APT for Red Hat Linux 8.0 (and 7.X) going?
Where can I see status of it? How can I help (I do have access to a
bunch of machines running RH 7.X and 8.0).

Erik Forsberg                Telephone: +46-13-21 46 00
Cendio AB                    Web:

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