looking for online howtos/tutorials for newbie developers

Trevor Smith trevor at haligonian.com
Tue Dec 30 23:09:56 UTC 2003

On Tue, 30 Dec 2003 17:44:31 -0500 (GMT-05:00), Robert P. J. Day wrote:

>  i'm interested in collecting some online tutorials that cover introductory
>development using gcc.  things like basic gcc, simple options, how libraries
>  and, of course, all of this to be done under linux.  thanks.

I'm taking a course this semester on C development in a GNU linux
environment. The course web site is:


The recommended texts are:

K. N. King, C Programming: A Modern Approach, (Norton, 1996).

K. Reek, Pointers on C, (Addison Wesley, 1997).

B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, second
edition, (Prentice Hall, 1988).

The prof's web site reads:

"Which one you should decide for depends on your level of experience
and how comfortable you feel with procedural programming. Of the books
listed here, the one by King is the most gentle introduction for
beginners. It is more than sufficient for the course and highly
recommended. Reek's book is a great choice if you think you can handle
a treatment of C on a somewhat more advanced level. I have used it a
lot in preparing this course, and its treatment of pointers is
excellent. Finally, the book by Kernighan and Ritchie is a classic. It
is very brief and to the point, and you will appreciate it still after
years of C programming. However, it is the least textbook-like, and
unless you are very comfortable with the material, you may prefer the
additional detail that the first two books offer."

 Trevor Smith    |    trevor at haligonian.com

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