Where is CIPE?

Eric Diamond eric at ediamond.net
Thu Apr 15 15:54:35 UTC 2004

Monday, April 05, 2004 1:40 PM Alexandre Oliva
> Just a word of warning: FC2 will NOT support cipe.  If
> want a longer-term VPN solution, you'll be better off
> something like openvpn (not part of FC1, but there are
> easily available) or IPSec (part of FC2, but not FC1,
> kernel support).

IPSec is going to be included in FC2? Cool...

CIPE is OK. OpenVPN is like CIPE on steroids. I use it
extensively and love it. It's very easy to configure,
can use either static keys or x.509 certificates. It
uses OpenSSL as it's encryption layer so it's very fast.
Plus it works on all linux & unix type OS's, including
Mac OSX, AND Windows (back to Win98). It plays very well
with NAT and any other type of packet header mangling.

[soap-box mode off]

Eric Diamond
eDiamond Networking & Security
eric at ediamond.net

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