rdesktop connectting to multiple XP bedhide a router

Satish Balay balay at fastmail.fm
Thu Aug 5 15:31:02 UTC 2004

On Thu, 5 Aug 2004, Barry Yu wrote:

> Would appreciate if any one can direct me to a how-to using rdesktop to
> connect more than one XP behide a router,
> thanks

nat-router or a firewall? 

The following works for a firewal - but should work for nat-router as
well - if you can get to a machine behind it (via ssh). Basically you
can tunnel rdesktop via ssh-portforwarding.

assuming you can get to machine srv.net (via ssh) but not foo.net &

1. enable ssh-portforwarding
ssh srv.net -L13389:foo.net:3389 -L23389:bar.net:3389 

2. Now to connect to foo.net you would do:
rdesktop localhost:13389

3. To connect to bar.net, you would do:
rdesktop localhost:23389

Alternatively you can just invoke rdesktop on srv.net (using ssh X11


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