OT: Setting up a forwarding mail domain in DMZ without pinhole.

Gene Delitzoy delitzoy at telus.net
Sun Aug 22 13:03:48 UTC 2004

On Sun, 2004-08-22 at 03:58, Peter Boy wrote:
> Am So, den 22.08.2004 schrieb Sanjay Arora um 08:26:
> > I want the DMZ server to receive the mails from the internet, for the
> > domains, it is set up as first MX and keep them in its queues. I want
> > the Green server to periodically connect to the DMZ qmail server and get
> > all mails from it...as the DMZ server cannot connect to it due to the
> > iptables firewall.
> The SMTP does not support your model to use your "green" server to
> "pull" mail from the DMZ server. It is a "push" type communication
> model.
> So you have to use something like
> - pop protocol to transfer the mail (e.g. fetchmail)
> - nfs/ftp to periodically transfer the mailbox files
> - use cron to peridically allow incoming smtp on the firewall
>   and initiate a resend on the DMZ mailserver
> Peter
pretty easy to do this if not exactly the way you want, setup your dmz
machine to answer for your domains(mx), then use transport maps to send
all mail for those domains to your specified host. This is with postfix,
postmap transport after your finished.

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