What happened to gqview

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 1 13:30:43 UTC 2004

Guy Fraser said:
> Terminology...
> Definition of participate in Fedora Core :
> Make suggestion = they are ignored.
> Provide patches = they are ignored.
> Submit bugs = they are ignored.

Oh goody, a "my favorite bug isn't getting enough attention" rant.

> There appears to be some kind of a pattern, so one must deduce that ;
> participate means : Be ignored and get what the developers want tested for
> RHEL, anything
> else and your out of luck.

Of course, because Fedora is such a closed system that you can use
anything that isn't part of Fedora Core.

> I guess that calling Fedora Core a community effort is just media spin,
> because if you just called a pig a pig, it would have to be referred to as
> an RHEL developers testing ground.

Seems that someone is trying to fork Godwin's Law.

William Hooper

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