[Fedora] General Linux Networking

Øyvind Lode o-lode at online.no
Thu Jan 8 15:14:33 UTC 2004

At 01:29 08.01.2004, Bevan C. Bennett wrote:
>Bevan C. Bennett wrote:
> >
>>It would be relatively trivial to create a small script which gathers 
>>that data, reformats it, and prints a Windows-like 'ipconfig' style summary.
>Just to prove that this is, in fact, possible... the following makes a 
>passable imitation, for those interested in such things...
># 'ipconfig' like output - written as an experiment
># Jan 07, 2003 by Bevan Bennett (bevan at fulcrummicro.com)
>open(IFINFO,'ifconfig|') || die "couldn't run ifconfig: $!\n";
>%interfaces = ();
>$current = "";
>$hostname = $ENV{"HOSTNAME"};
>while (<IFINFO>) {
>   /^(\S+)\s+Link encap:Ethernet\s+HWaddr\s+(\S+)/ && do {
>     $interfaces{$1}{"hwaddr"} = $2;
>     $current = $1;
>     next;
>   };
>   /^lo/ && do {
>     $current = "";
>     next;
>   };
>   next if (!$current);
>   /inet addr:([\d\.]+)/ && do {$interfaces{$current}{"ipaddr"} = $1;};
>   /Mask:([\d\.]+)/ && do {$interfaces{$current}{"mask"} = $1;};
>open (DNSINFO,'/etc/resolv.conf') || die "Can't open /etc/resolv.conf: $!\n";
>while (<DNSINFO>) {
>   /^domain (\S+)/ && do { $dnsdomain = $1; };
>   /^search (.+)/ && do { @dnssearch = split / /,$1; };
>   /^nameserver (\S+)/ && do { push @dnssrv,$1; };
>close (DNSINFO);
>open (ROUTEINFO,'netstat -rn|') || die "Can't run netstat: $!\n";
>while (<ROUTEINFO>) {
>   /0\.0\.0\.0\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+UG\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+(\S+)/ && do {
>     $gateway = $1;
>     $gateint = $2;
>   };
>close (ROUTEINFO);
>print "Fedora Core IP Configuration\n\n";
>print "       Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . : " . $hostname . "\n";
>print "       Primary DNS Suffix. . . . . . . . . : " . $dnsdomain . "\n";
>print "       DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . . : " . shift(@dnssearch) 
>. "\n";
>while (@dnssearch) {
>print "                                             " . shift(@dnssearch) 
>. "\n";
>print "       DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . : " . shift(@dnssrv) . "\n";
>while (@dnssrv) {
>print "                                             " . shift(@dnssrv) . "\n";
>print "       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . . : " . $gateway . " ("
>       . $gateint . ")\n";
>print "\n";
>foreach $if (keys(%interfaces)) {
>print "Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection $if:\n\n";
>print "       Physical Address. . . . . . . . . . : " . 
>$interfaces{$if}{"hwaddr"} . "\n";
>print "       IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . : " . 
>$interfaces{$if}{"ipaddr"} . "\n";
>print "       Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . . : " . 
>$interfaces{$if}{"mask"} . "\n";
>print "\n";

Thanks everyone :-)
I have received many good inputs including this brilliant script.


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