named slave problem

Patrick Nelson pnelson at
Sat Jan 24 21:21:35 UTC 2004

Everything up to date with Yum

This is the same on the master (newmaster) and the slave (newslave)
systems.  The newmaster is working great.  I setup the newslave exactly
like the newmaster except for the entries in named.conf that designate a
zone a slave to newmaster.

If I point the named.conf slave entry to one of my old named servers
(oldmaster) the newslave works great as the secondary dns.  However if I
point the newslave to the newmaster I get the following error:

<date> <sys> named[15137]: zone refresh: failure trying
master <local ip of newmaster>#53: timed out

I can't seem to figure out why the newmaster will not allow a connection
for the newslave.  Can anyone point me to anything I can try?

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