benchmarking FC1

Emiliano Brunetti emiliano.brunetti at
Tue Jan 27 15:55:40 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-01-27 at 15:48, Alexander Dalloz wrote:
> > I need to benchmark disk I/O, CPU performance, graphic adapter
> > performance an overall performance of both gnome and kde environments.
> > THe best thing would be some kind of tool with also a nice graphic
> > output.
> 1) disk performance: hdparm -tT /dev/hdX (with limitations valuable)
>    bonnie++ (noisy output)
> 2) CPU performance: grep bogomips /proc/cpuinfo (you may know :)
>    run kernel compilations with "time make"; run the SPEC
> 3) graphics: glxgears
>     is 3D performance really relevant? just for gaming IMHO
> 4) DM: don't think there are benchmark kits out for testing Gnome/KDE
> performance; choose decent applications and measure time for coming up,
> run several times due to caching effects

Thanks. :)

HOwever i'd like to get something different. I mean, bogomips are a
measure of CPU performance, but it is an absolute measure isn't it?
Running FC1 or slackware wouldn't really change the measure, no?

I googled a bit and didn't find much about benchmarking normal desktop
usage. Maybe the case is that there isn't still anything.


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