Spam Assassin Speed

jdow jdow at
Sun Mar 14 22:30:07 UTC 2004

From: "Mike Klinke" <lsomike at>

> Does it make much of a difference when you specify -L as a parameter?:
> -L, --local
>    Perform only local tests on all mail.  In other words, skip DNS and
>    other network tests.  Works the same as the "-L" flag to spamassas-
>    sin(1).

That's a good point. The DNS lookups are expensive. (And on a random
test of the DNS lookups I figured they took more time than they were
worth. It takes hours to days for new spam sources to percolate into
the DNS lookups. By then you've received a dozen spams that passed a
DNS test giving them an artificially low score before the rest of SA
kicks in. If I am going to have a low escaped spam count SA needs to
be well trained. At that point it is already catching the spam a DNS 
check would maybe tag. So I turned DNS checks off.

(I also have auto-white-list and auto Bayes learn turned off.)


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