Sendmail AUTH

Justin Willmert justin at
Thu Aug 4 15:28:33 UTC 2005

Sorry about the last email. I accidentally sent my email without ever 
typing anything in. Anyways...

I've been trying to get my Sendmail server to use authentication to send 
emails. Right now I can get by with just using my 'access' file and 
allowing my home network's IP address, but when we go on vacation, I 
can't send emails without creating a tunnel with putty to my server at 
home to make Sendmail think I'm sending it from localhost.

The problem is I can't get authentication to work. I've followed a 
couple different tutorials on-line, and by all appearances, it should 
work, but it doesn't.

First, the text below is the settings I added to This is 
where I deviate from some of the tutorials. Many of them also set up for 
encryption, but until I get at least this part to work, I don't even 
want to think about that, though I'll probably add that in later sometime.

     define(`confAUTH_OPTIONS', `A')dnl
     define(`confAUTH_MECHANISMS', `LOGIN PLAIN')dnl

And then I just want to login with my system accounts and not have to 
worry about keeping SASL accounts in sync with my system (stored in an 
LDAP server) accounts, I have this in my /usr/lib/sasl2/Sendmail.conf file:


I've left my /etc/pam.d/smtp file alone since it seemed to be what I wanted:

     auth       required service=system-auth
     account    required service=system-auth

And the /etc/pam.d/system-auth file was generated at setup time to use 
LDAP and works for everything else (SSH, Local login, etc), so I didn't 
even consider that the problem.

When I try to send an email, Thunderbird asks me for my password (after 
I put my username in the properties for my SMTP server, of course) and 
it fails. I can enter my password a couple different time, but it always 

When I shut down Sendmail service and run it from the command line with 
'sendmail -bD -X /tmp/test.log', this is what I get in my test.log file:

     15105 <<< EHLO []^M
     15105 >>> 250-netserv Hello [], pleased to
               meet you
     15105 >>> 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
     15105 >>> 250-PIPELINING
     15105 >>> 250-8BITMIME
     15105 >>> 250-SIZE
     15105 >>> 250-DSN
     15105 >>> 250-ETRN
     15105 >>> 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN
     15105 >>> 250-DELIVERBY
     15105 >>> 250 HELP
     15105 >>> 535 5.7.0 authentication failed
     15105 <<< AUTH LOGIN^M
     15105 >>> 334 {REMOVED FOR SECURITY}
     15105 <<< {REMOVED FOR SECURITY}^M
     15105 >>> 334 {REMOVED FOR SECURITY}
     15105 <<< {REMOVED FOR SECURITY}^M
     15105 >>> 535 5.7.0 authentication failed
     15105 <<< QUIT^M
     15105 >>> 221 2.0.0 netserv closing connection

Now this is where I get stuck. I have no clue what the problem is. If 
anyone could help, I'd VERY much appreciate it. If you need some more 
information or need me to get the output of some command, I'd be happy 
to do it and send the information back to you.

With great thanks,
Justin Willmert

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