Mirroir list for FC4 updates

Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert at gmx.de
Sun Jul 3 00:29:25 UTC 2005

Am Mittwoch, den 29.06.2005, 22:44 +0000 schrieb Geoffrey Leach:
> The mirroirlist pointed to by the released .repo file for  
> updates-released contains URLs for worldwide sites.  So, I guess its  
> not supprising when I see yum attempting to access non-US sites (no  
> insult intended to other countries), however this strikes me as  
> inefficient, at the very least.  The mirroir list does list a number of  
> US sites first, which I guess in not good for someone updating from  
> .ru, for example.
> Am I missing something here, or is optimization (as in the fedora-core  
> mirroirlist) wanting?

Simply add ".us.east" or ".us.west" to the URL. For a full list off
available mirrorlists browse to 


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