Yum repros wanted

Temlakos temlakos at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 11:35:54 UTC 2005

Arthur Pemberton wrote:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> Does anyone have a good yum.conf for FC4? I'm specifically interested
>> in mp3/mpeg and kde (amarok, juk, kimdaba) packages.
>> Thanks. The fedorafaq.com yum.conf has not yet been updated for FC4.
>> Dotan
>> http://lyricslist.com/lyrics/artist_albums/457/spears_britney.php
>> Britney Spears Lyrics
> Amarok is available with FC4 Base
> To get mp3 support for it you need the gstreamer mp3 plugin:
> ## Enable the Livna RPM Repo ##
> # cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
> # wget http://pembo13.dalive.com/linux/livna.org.repo
> ## Install plugin ##
> # yum install gstreamer-plugins-mp3
> If you don't have amarok:
> # yum install amarok

You'll want a lot more repos than that.

Start, of course, with base, updates-released, and extras. All are 
active by default in FC4.

Then add livna.

To this I added Michael A. Peters' JPackage and YJL repos, and another 
repo for Macromedia Flash.

If you want any more apps than these will provide, get the Smart Package 
Manager (http://www.smartpm.org/), learn how to configure it (don't 
forget to add a channel for "RPM Installed Packages" so that smart will 
know what you've got!), and then you can add the "Alternative Repos" 
(FreshRPMS, dag, and at-stable). Set them at lower "priority" and they 
won't break anything--while at the same time you have access to things 
that none of the others have. (Like a working version of MPlayer.)


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