Which files are provided by this rpm ?

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at math.uh.edu
Mon Jun 12 20:06:25 UTC 2006

>>>>> "LN" == Losito Nicola <n.losito at yahoo.it> writes:

LN>  list, don't know if it has been asked before but i'd like
LN> to know how can i know what files are provided by a given rpm.

yum install yum-utils
repoquery -l proftpd

Be aware that repoquery can sometimes take a little while to run.

Here's a hack that will download a file from the repository, unpack it
into a temporary directory and drop you into a shell to look around.
Exit the shell and it will clean up.  It's a hack: no security, no
error checking.  Have fun.

 - J<

#!/bin/sh -x



cd /tmp
mkdir $DIR
pushd $DIR

yumdownloader $PKG

# Should only be one file in this directory

rpm2cpio $PKG* | cpio --quiet --no-absolute-filenames -idmv 2>&1

rm -rf /tmp/$DIR

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