
Darren Foster darren at darrenfoster.co.uk
Mon Oct 30 21:51:44 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-10-30 at 22:08 +0200, Stuart wrote:
> > How do i tell if the fedora-release package is installed? is that the
> > gui for add/remove programs. If it is when i try and look at that i get
> > "unable to retrieve software information. This may be cause by not
> > having a network connection" i am connected to a network though?
> No worries, we all start somewhere :-)
> File and directory structures are (I'm doing this by memory, so some
> path names might not be exactly correct :-)
> /var/cache/yum/   <--- YUM base directory say, so we'll put:
> $base_dir = /var/cache/yum
>/var/cache/yum/updates-released/[temporary files, recognised by _some_
> files having .XML extensions]
> /var/cache/yum/updates-released/headers/[header files, recognised by
> _all_ files having .HDR extensions]
> /var/cache/yum/updates-released/packages/[RPM install files,
> recognised by _all_ files having .RPM extensions]

None of the above exist on my machine, how do i rectify this, assuming
your memory is correct that is.

On the other hand the following are here but empty...


being cache folders I'm assuming its OK to be empty? or is it bad?

Arrrghhhhh. Help!!!

Despite all the problems I'm actually finding this quite refreshing
compared to using windows.

Also this is giving me a great insight into how it all works.

Thanks again.

Found my Chinese name today - FANG DONG RUI --- Cool eh?

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