Blocking Spam

Aaron Konstam akonstam at
Mon Jan 1 15:36:02 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-01-01 at 07:56 +0000, James Wilkinson wrote:
> I wrote:
> > Actually, I find that SA's Bayesian engine is pretty good at
> spotting
> > the random text they put in most image spam. With a few extra points
> for
> > technical stuff, most of it goes directly to the spam folder, and
> the
> > rest to the "unsure" folder with fairly high scores.
> "Aaron Konstam" replied:
> > I guess I have to point this out with a little bit of trepidation.
> But
> > if you have an unsure folder you are probably using SpamBayes not
> > Spamassassin.
> No, it's *definitely* SpamAssassin. I used to use SpamBayes, and I
> brought the concept with me to SpamAssassin. I sort into "unsure",
> "spam", and my normal mailboxes through procmail based on the
> SpamAsssassin score.
> And I *do* think an "unsure" folder is a Good Thing. The downside, of
> course, is a folder I must manually check. The aim is to keep it
> empty.
> But the *first* thing you should know when you want to filter spam is
> that no system can be perfect. There will be spam that gets around all
> the rules (yes, even DNS lists, if you happen to be first on a spam
> run)
> and there will be non-spam that looks spammy. An "unsure" box is a
> Pretty Good Way of getting that uncertainty into one place where you
> can
> keep an eye on it.
Well I guess I can accuse you of being hypnotized by the SpamBayes
people who also think the unsure folder is a good thing. Well in my
opinion it is not. What is good about having an extra folder to check
for spam and ham? Nothing I would say. But we Linux people believe in
each persons individual freedom to make mistakes -:)
A fool and your money are soon partners.
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akonstam at

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