F7 Non-DVD install confusion ??

William Case billlinux at rogers.com
Sun Jun 3 04:19:46 UTC 2007


I have been following the discussions on this list regarding how to
install F7 without a DVD.  I plan to do my own install over the next few
days.  After reading the Release Notes and the Installation Guide I
thought I had a strategy worked out.  Now you guys scare me.

I have two hard drives. One is hda on which I keep my WindowsXP system.
On that drive I have a 10GB ext3 partition on which I have the old FC6
CD.iso.images I downloaded when FC6 was new.  I will delete those FC6
images.  My second drive, hdb, is where I have currently installed FC6

I do not have a DVD.  I don't have any use for a DVD except for, perhaps
some time in the future, burning F7 DVD images.

I had planned to do the following:

     1. Download the DVD.iso.image to my ext3 partition on hda.
     2. Download the rescue.iso to my ext3 partition on hda.
     3. Burn the rescue.iso to a CD using my still existing FC6's
     4. Boot with the rescue CD to install; then use the askmethod to
        direct anaconda to find the iso.images on hda and do a clean
        install on hdb.

Seemed simple.  But, I have had the experience a couple of versions ago
of completely blowing an install; screwing up my MBR; being left with no
Linux of any kind; and trying to get everything repaired through
WindowsXP.  That was fun.

So, after reading all the complex solutions for installing being
suggested and discussed over the last day or two I am compelled to ask,
is there any reason why the above outlined strategy wouldn't work?

Regards Bill

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