retoring a PostgreSQL database from one server to another

Bruno Wolff III bruno at
Thu Mar 1 02:38:59 UTC 2007

On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 15:58:02 +0100,
  Beau BOB <man_55 at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have postgresql 7.4.1 and I'm restoring to another server that has postgresql 7.4.6
> for dumping I'm using :
> pg_dumpall --clean -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432 > dbfile
> and for restoring I use many methods:
> psql -h localhost -U postgres -d template1 -f dbfile
> and I have this error message when I run the PgAdminIII to connect my data base:
> "error relation pg_settings not found " & " error relation pg_user not found"
> and when I use the commands:
> psql -l 
> ERROR:  relation "pg_catalog.pg_user" not found
> notice that when I make restore , I have many error message about missing relation ;
> please can anybody help me to resolv my problem
> thanks for advance

There was a very similar question asked on the postgres list asked recently
and the answer was that there was a bug in the selinux definitions for
postgres that break initdb. So you probably need to make sure the destination
system is up to date and redo initdb, then try restoring the database.

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