Can I generate Installation DVD from Development repository

Bruno Wolff III bruno at
Sat Mar 3 17:53:04 UTC 2007

On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 16:17:57 +0800,
  Hikaru Amano <kagesenshi.87 at> wrote:
> Thanks for responding Bruno .. however, I got some question about ur
> script .. trying to understand how it works
> On 3/3/07, Bruno Wolff III <bruno at> wrote:
> >I do this by creating a fudged .discinfo file containing the following:
> >1170104239.562016
> >Fedora 6.90
> >i386
> >1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
> >Fedora/base
> what is this line for? I can change this to something else right? if
> yes, what are the acceptible values?

I just copied the .discinfo file from F7T1 and added more CD numbers to it.
I don't know how any of the other lines are used.

> >/srv/pungi/20070129.1/6.90/Desktop/i386/os/Fedora
> >Fedora/pixmaps
> >
> >and then run the following to make an install DVD with all of the packages
> >currently in core:
> >#!/bin/sh
> >
> >publisher="Bruno Wolff III"
> >release="7"
> >
> >##############################################################################
> >
> >export FCBASE=`pwd`
> >arch=`uname -i`
> >date=`date +%Y%m%d`
> >
> >mkdir -p $FCBASE/$arch
> is $FCBASE/core is the core repo? my mirrored repo is mirrored using
> reposync instead of rsync (therefore, I only have the RPMs .. other
> stuff in the hierachy are not downloaded) ... do i need to add some
> more stuff into FCBASE?

$FCBASE/core is the mirror of the whole core layout. You need to have the
images as that is what actually gets booted. So you will need to grab some
things you don't have yet.

The reason I copy things over, is that at times there are multiple versions
of the same package in the repo and I want to be able to clean out the
superceded ones, but still have a copy so if I resync my mirror, I don't
redownload stuff I already have gotten.

> >rsync --archive  $FCBASE/core/ $FCBASE/$arch
> >repomanage --old i386/Fedora/RPMS | xargs rm -f
> >cp $FCBASE/.discinfo $FCBASE/$arch
> >
> >find $arch -name "TRANS.TBL" -exec rm -f {} \;
> >mkisofs -q -r -R -J -T -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 \
> >  -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -boot-info-table \
> >  -V "FC $release update$date $arch DVD" \
> >  -A "Fedora Core $release update$date $arch DVD" \
> >  -publisher "$publisher" -p "$publisher" -x lost+found \
> >  -o FC-$release-update$date-$arch-DVD.iso $arch

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