Phonon and non-existant audio devices

Nigel Henry cave.dnb2m97pp at
Mon Sep 15 17:17:18 UTC 2008

On Monday 15 September 2008 03:13, Marcelo Magno T. Sales wrote:
> People,
> Using KDE 4.1 on F9, I keep getting phonon messages saying that device
> xyz is not available and that sound will default to other device.
> Device xyz existed a long time ago, but not now. However, after every
> logon to KDE and every now and then after that, I get this message.
> In System Configuration -> Sound, I can see the device grayed out, but
> can not remove it. The remove button is enabled when I select the
> device, but it does nothing when pressed.
> I've also tried to change the priority of the available devices, putting
> the currently existing one on the top of the list, but still get the
> same anoying messages.
> How do I get rid of the device which does not exist and of the phonon
> messages?
> Thanks,
> Marcelo

Hi Marcelo. All in all I think that sound has got more difficult to use, 
rather than easier. First on Fedora 8, with the introduction of pulseaudio 
(which I had to disable to get the sounds back), then with Fedora 9, and KDE4 
which not only included pulseaudio, but saw the removal of aRts, and 
apparently replaced by phonon.

Prior to all the latest updates from the "newkey" repos, and before IIRC I 
disabled pulseaudio, there were 4 entries in "sound-system settings". The 
greyed out one "HDA NVidia (ALC662 Analog)", which said not available, device 
unplugged, or not loaded, and that was further down the list. The three other 
entries, and again IIRC, were "Pulse", "ESD", and "OSS". Moving the greyed 
out one to the top of the list did nothing.

Now I disabled pulseaudio by removing the package "alsa-plugins-pulseaudio". I 
normally try a music cd first to test out the sounds, so tried Kscd, but no 
sound. Tried Kaffeine with a music cd, and got sound. so far so good, and 
left the sound problem for a while, as I wanted to get all the latest updates 
from the "newkey" repos.

Back at the ranch, and some time later, KDE is now upgraded to KDE4.1.

I'm not sure when I first starting getting the phonon messages, but I think it 
was after all the updates. Anyway seeing your post today, I've looked at 
"sound-system settings" again. Now I see 5 entries. The greyed out one that 
I'd already moved to the top, then the same entry again, but not greyed out, 
and the other 3 now say "default (default audio device)", "hw:0.0 (ALC662 
Analog)", and "hw:0.1 (ALC662 Digital)".

I'm doing this in realtime now. Logout, and backin to KDE, and get the phonon 
message. Open Kscd, and get the phonon message again. Kscd still won't play a 
music cd. Next, try Kaffeine, and no phonon message this time, and music cd 
plays (dub syndicate). Open Qjackctl, start jack, open ZynAddSubFX, make 
midi, audio connections for Zyn, and the usb midi keyboard, and again no 
phonon messages, and Zyn plays sounds with no problemos.

Now to get rid of the phonon messages, so in "sound-system settings" move the 
ungreyed out line for the soundcard up to the top, click apply, and hear a 
click from the speakers. Open Kscd, and now no phonon message, but Kscd still 
won't play a music cd. Kaffeine still does, but I have problems with that as 
well. If I stop playback, and close Kaffeine immediately, no problems. If I 
stop playback, and leave Kaffeine open, the desktop locks up. the machine 
hasn't totally locked up, because I can still move the mouse pointer, 
although it's juddery. Desktop is totally static, and no keyboard. Ok. that's 
my problem to sort out, not yours.

After a hard reset, The phonon message still shows on login, but now I get 
login sounds, which I didn't before moving the ungreyed out line for the 
soundcard to top place in "sound-system settings".

Ahaah. this may be usefull to you Marcelo. I've just renamed 
~/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc to phonondevicesrc.bak, then logged out, 
and backin to KDE. No more phonon messages. A new phonondevicesrc file has 
been created, and "sound-system settings" now shows only 4 entries (no greyed 
out ones), and from top to bottom they read as below.

default  (default audio device)
hw:0,0   (ALC662 Analog)
hw:0,1   (ALC662 Digital)
HDA NVidia (ALC662 Analog) 

I don't know if any of the above stuff is of any use to you, but I have manage 
to get rid of the constant phonon messages, and the greyed out entries.

Kscd still won't work, but you can't expect to fix everything at one attempt.


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