FC11- getting message about 'battery broken'

Stewart Williams lists at pinkyboots.co.uk
Mon Nov 9 22:27:37 UTC 2009

Jatin K wrote:
> On 11/05/2009 04:19 AM, Stewart Williams wrote:
>> Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>> I am running gnome and when I log in I get:
>>> Battery may be broken
>>> Your battery has a very low capacity (2%) , which means that it may be
>>> old or broken.
>>> Now I did not get anything like this with FC10 on the system and it
>>> would run a number hours on battery.
>>> How do I check this out?
>>> Oh, the system is an ASUS ee701 with a 4Gb SDD drive and a 8Gb SD card.
>> Robert, I have an eee 900 and since I installed F11 I've also been
>> getting this broken battery message. I never had the errors on F10
>> either.
>> The battery status information is also erratic, especially the
>> discharging percentage, it's very buoyant.
>> The battery seems to last a couple of hours, so it's definitely not dead.
> what is the .... the output of " cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info"  and
> "cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state "  ???????

Hi Jatin,

Sorry for the delay.

present:                 yes
design capacity:         5200 mAh
last full capacity:      100 mAh
battery technology:      rechargeable
design voltage:          8400 mV
design capacity warning: 20 mAh
design capacity low:     10 mAh
capacity granularity 1:  52 mAh
capacity granularity 2:  52 mAh
model number:            900
serial number:
battery type:            LION
OEM info:                ASUS

present:                 yes
capacity state:          ok
charging state:          discharging
present rate:            unknown
remaining capacity:      20 mAh
present voltage:         7170 mV

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