Across Lite for F12 32-bit, an i686 vs i386 issue?

Patrick O'Callaghan pocallaghan at
Sun Nov 29 13:41:26 UTC 2009

My name is Patrick and I'm a crossword puzzle addict.

The NYT publishes its puzzles in Across Lite format, and there's a
proprietary app (acrossl) which runs on Linux. Unfortunately it's
getting really old and is binary-only. It worked under F11 but now the
app gets a segfault on my netbook (though oddly it works fine on my
64-bit desktop, also on F12).

Since I'm on the road for 2 months I'm starting to get withdrawal
symptoms :-) F12 32-bit code is now compiled for the i686 and both the
app and the old compat libraries are i386 (not all of them have been
updated for F12). Could this be the problem?

I'm also willing to try other Across Lite apps, but I've never come
across a free one that was half-way decent.


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